Economy, investment and finance

Data insights

Economic, investment and financial data provide vital measurements of economies' health, overall development and capacity for growth. This collection of thematic insights explores critical dimensions of national accounts, economic potential and price signals.

Prices of fuels down over last five months, in contrast with other product groups

Year-on-year change in UNCTAD Commodity Price Index by commodity group, percentage

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

Fuel prices continued their drop in December 2024, but only falling 1.6% year-on-year compared with double-digit declines over the previous three months.

Prices for the all food group saw slow and steady year-on-year falls January 2023-September 2024, but rising in October to December 2024. By contrast, prices of the minerals, ores and metals group as well as in agricultural raw materials have seen steady increases since mid-2023.

Data updated on 11 Feb 2025

Commodity prices dip 2.3% in 2024; the index excluding fuels hits a new high

UNCTAD Commodity Price Index, 2015=100

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

Commodity prices dipped slightly by 2.3% in 2023, after having dropped sharply the previous year from their 2022 peak. This drop was again dominated by fuel prices (-7.8%), while prices for minerals, ores and metals group (11.1%) and agricultural raw materials groups (5.4%) both increased.

Excluding fuels, the index saw its highest ever value in 2024.

Data updated on 11 Feb 2025