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Country profile


Our country profiles are selections of key economic statistics by country. They include a wide range of internationally comparable indicators allowing users to assess and compare countries. Most of the selected indicators are available in our Data Center.

  • General Profile Icon

    General profile

    This profile provides a basic snapshot of a country's economic and financial situation, facilitating convenient cross-country comparisons.

  • Maritime Profile Icon

    Maritime profile

    This thematic profile provides a basic snapshot of a country's situation on maritime transport and international trade, facilitating convenient cross-country comparisons.

You can select your country of interest in the list on the right or by using the search box.

In each section of the profile, a link to the corresponding table or folder in our Data Center is provided. You can also download our profiles in PDF format.


In order to insure statistical consistency, country profiles data are in line with the Data Center.

Latest update: 11 April 2024