Digital economy and technology

Data insights

The rapid advancement of digital technologies has transformed economies and reshaped the way businesses, governments and individuals interact globally. The digital economy, driven by innovation, connectivity and technological disruption, plays a pivotal role in shaping economic growth, productivity and societal change. This collection of thematic insights explores key aspects of the digital economy and technology, offering a comprehensive understanding of its evolving landscape.

Digitally deliverable services growing faster than other services in both developed and developing economies

Exports of digitally deliverable services and other types of services, billions of United States dollars

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

In 2021, amid the COVID-19 lockdown that disrupted many traditional trade flows, world digitally deliverable services exports increased by a remarkable 18%. The expansion continued in 2022 and 2023, with upswings of 5 and 9%, respectively. Three quarters of the exports, worth some $3 372 billion, originated from developed economies, leaving developing world exports at an estimated $1 090 billion for 2023. 

In 2023, exports of digitally deliverable services from developing economies grew by 9%. The growth was prominent across all developing regions: Africa, Americas, Asia and Oceania. Their share in total services exports was 46%, while for the developed world it stood at 61%. It is estimated that about 95% of digitally deliverable services have actually been digitally delivered since 2021. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the share hovered around 87%.

Data updated on 30 Sep 2024

Digitally deliverable services have increased their share of total services trade

Exports of digitally deliverable services as a percentage of total services exports

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

Digitally deliverable services – those that can be delivered remotely over computer networks such as the Internet – now account for over half of all services exports worldwide and their share grew especially during the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, although exhibiting a slightly downward trend in recent years due to the bounce back of transport and travel post-COVID-19.

Data updated on 30 Sep 2024


Digitally deliverable services are those that “can be delivered remotely through computer networks”. The measure presented is an aggregation of insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property, telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services and audio-visual and related services.

Full metadata are available in our Data Centre for Digitally deliverable services.