Maritime transport

Data insights

Maritime transport is the lifeblood of global trade, facilitating the movement of goods across oceans and connecting economies worldwide. As the most cost-effective and efficient mode of transport for large-scale cargo, the maritime industry plays a pivotal role in sustaining global commerce. This collection of thematic insights explores key aspects of maritime transport, providing a detailed look at its vital components.

Slowdown in world container port throughput in 2022

World container port throughput, millions of twenty-foot equivalent units

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

In 2022, 852 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of containers were handled in ports worldwide. World container port throughput increased by little less than half a per cent. This is the slowest growth for more than a decade, except for the year of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020. The long-term trend shows growth, and over the last decade, world container port throughput increased by 37%, up from 620 million TEUs in 2012. The added 230 million TEUs equals more than all container traffic in developed economies in 2012.

Data updated on 11 Dec 2023

In 2022, ports in developing economies of Asia handled the majority of world port container traffic

Containerized port traffic by group of economies, millions of twenty-foot equivalent units, 2022

UN Trade and Development, UNCTADstat.

Asia’s prominent contribution to global containerized port throughput reflects the region’s leading role as a global loading and discharging centre for maritime trade and its top position as the best-connected region, whether at port or country level. In 2022, ports in developing economies of Asia and Oceania handled 59.5% of world port container traffic. The shares of Developing America and Developing Africa were significantly lower, at 7 and 4%, respectively.

Data updated on 11 Dec 2023


Port container traffic is measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). One TEU represents the volume of a standard 20-feet long intermodal container. Full metadata are available in our Data Centre for Container port throughput

For in-depth analysis on port performance and related topics see the Review of Maritime Transport.